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del credere 〔意大利語〕 (掮客對)買主支付能力的保證。


We are quite willing to offer you an appointment on a del credere basis of 15 % commission on the net value of all orders received through you , provided you are willing to lodge adequate security with our bankers here 我方愿委任你方為信用擔保代理人,凡通過你方接受的訂單,我們按所訂凈值的百分之十五給予你方傭金,但需要你方答應在我銀行存入足夠的保證金。

The indent agent takes a commission on the value of his purchase , and this will of course be higher if he acts as a confirming house and takes the del credere risk 進口訂貨行根據其購買商品的價值收取傭金,如果他同時作為保付商行并承擔信用擔保風險的話,傭金會更高。

The profit and risk of loss remains with the principal , unless the agent is a del credere one 委托人既享有利潤又承擔商業風險,除非代理人為保付代理。

Del credere agent 保付貨款代理人

Del credere commission 擔保還款傭金

Del credere agents 保證買主資力的代理商

A del credere agent is the agent who takes responsibility for credit risks 保付代理是指承擔有信用風險的代理。

Usually , del credere agents charge a higher commission 一般來說,保付代理要收取較高的傭金。